 I'm baaaaaaaaaaack! Did you guys miss me? The topic of today's post: Cheese. I love cheese. In fact, it is a recent thing to me. I just decided I love cheese yesterday. Specifically, mozzarella cheese. I just love the taste and texture and stringy-ness. Also, a little history lesson on the noble mozzarella cheese: It was originally made from water buffalo milk. Today, it is made with cow's milk. The buffalo milk cheese is highly prized for its taste and costs three times as much as cow cheese. It is said that the cheese originated in Egypt, and when Marc Antony went there, he sent 50 water buffaloes to Julius Caesar as a gift. Cheese was made from its milk. Since then, cheese has been a staple for the Roman diet. Tonight, I will be going to a grocery to get some mozzarella cheese. Yay me!:) Anyway, on to the next topic: sourdough bread. Have you noticed that today's post's theme was food? Well... I'm hungry. Anyways... Sourdough bread. I like it...in small amounts. Otherwise the taste is overwhelming. It's good toasted though. The taste kind of...fades...or something. I like the crust toasted. It's like flavorful French bread crust. Signing off now!
